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2025 PV巴黎展宣布新展期

核心提示:2025 PV巴黎展宣布新展期


International and cross-disciplinary, Première Vision Paris brings together all the professional players within the sustainable creative fashion sector. The entire value chain covered by the event - yarns, fabrics, designs, leather, accessories, manufacturing, smart creation - and the targeted markets - luxury, premium, broad distribution – position the show as a true global observatory for tracking the evolution of a sector currently experiencing profound structural and cyclical shifts.

Première Vision Paris 巴黎展,作为国际知名的纺织时尚领域综合盛会,汇聚了包括可持续创意时尚在内所有专业人士。展会全面覆盖了从纱线、面料、花型设计、皮革、配饰辅料到成衣制造、Smart Creation智能环保创造的完整价值链,并聚焦于奢侈品、高端市场及广泛分销等目标领域,使之成为观察和追踪全球时尚业结构性与周期性变革的重要窗口。

To actively help shape a new era for the fashion industry as it develops new models driven by the challenges of sustainable transformation, technological innovation, changing consumer habits, economic development issues and more, the fashion division of the GL events group is rethinking its event formats, positionings and calendars to reflect these rapid industry transformations, and thus roll out the right offer, at the right time, in the right places.


The year 2025 will see Première Vision Paris with two complementary and distinct eventstaking place in February and now in September, while Blossom Première Vision will henceforth take place at the start of summer and in December.

Première Vision Paris 巴黎展将于 2025 年迎来创新变革,全年将举办两场各具特色且互为补充的展会,展会时间分别定于 2 月和 9 月。而 Blossom Première Vision 展会则将于初夏与 12 月举行。

Florence Rousson, General Manager of GL events Fashion Division: “For us, these two announcements are the first strong steps in a new strategy. They reflect our determination to support the markets through our willingness to change the rules, take up new challenges, and speed the transformation necessary to Première Vision, to the creation of our fashion division, and to the development of all our brands. We are convinced that in this way, by working hand in hand with the sector, Première Vision is returning to its original mission: to serve as a catalyst for growth for the entire industry.”

智奥会展集团时尚部门总经理 Florence Rousson 表示:“这两项重大宣布,标志着我们在新战略征程上迈出了坚实的第一步。它们不仅彰显了我们坚定支持市场、勇于破旧立新的决心,更体现了我们积极拥抱变革、加速 Première Vision 转型的魄力。我们正在积极构建我们的时尚部门,全方位推动品牌发展。我们深信,通过紧密携手业界伙伴,Première Vision 将重燃其创立之初的激情与使命——成为驱动整个时尚行业蓬勃发展的强大引擎。”


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